Parent Info
Many opportunities exist for parent involvement in the Westside Union School District and at Hillview. Parents and the community are very supportive of the educational program at the District and Hillview. Numerous programs and activities are enriched by the generous contributions made by parents and local businesses that support West Antelope Valley Educational Foundation (WAVE).
At the district level, parents are encouraged to participate on the District Advisory Committee, DELAC, Superintendent's Advisory Council, and other district committees. Hillview Middle School offers a variety of events, programs, and activities throughout the school year for parents to become activity involved in their child’s school and education. The following activates and events at Hillview are open to parents: Back-to-School-Night, Parent-Teachers conferences, School Site Council, PTSA, ELAC, Awards Assemblies, AVID parent meetings, and competitive sports events. Parents are encouraged to run for office and attend monthly meetings for School Site Council, ELAC, and PTSA meetings. Parents are also welcome to volunteer to support out programs under the direct instruction of a classroom teacher. Parents also serve as volunteers at school sponsored events such as dances, chaperons at student trips and activities, colleges, universities, and athletic events. Hillview maintains an open-door policy with all parents. Parents are kept informed of school activities through the school website, newsletters, automated phone service, teacher letters, and the use of Power School.
The updated School Accountability Report Card's (SARCs) are now posted on the district’s website and on the California Department of Education website. We also have several hard copies at Hillview.
Districts are required to update SARCs annually, and “publicize such reports and notify parents or guardians of students that a copy will be provided upon request”.
Copies of all of the School Accountability Report Card’s can be found at:
From our District website select Resources then Parents & Students
QHHS International Baccalaureate Program Parent Orientation Meeting
Parents of 8th graders who are interested in joining the High School International Baccalaureate (IB) program are invited to an informational meeting on January 17th and 19th, 2023, from 6pm - 8pm at the Quartz Hill Highschool Library.
TITLE I Meeting:
Hillview Middle School is a Title I school. To learn more about this and to offer your input, feel free to join our Title I informational meeting on Friday, September 16th on Zoom at noon. If you are unable to attend, the materials as well as survey will be posted on the website following the meeting.
Community Resources
Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Westside Union School District has the primary responsibility for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the non-compliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Visit the Parent Portal for access to attendance, grades and so much more!